Blog Post
Boost Your Webflow Workflow with These Time-Saving Keyboard Shortcuts
'Keeping Your Website Project On Budget'
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Looking to speed up your Webflow workflow? 🏎️ Get some hours back in your week with these keyboard shortcuts.
- Save as Snapshot — Shift + Command + S
- Preview mode — Shift + Command + P
- Guide overlay — Shift + Command + G
- Select parent/child element — Up arrow / Down arrow
- Select sibling element — Left arrow / Right arrow
- Duplicate an element — Option + Drag
- Toggle between breakpoints — 1, 2, 3, 4
- Display add panel — A
- Display pages panel — P
- Display styles panel — S
- Display preview mode — Command + Shift + P
- Display navigator panel — Z
- Search — Command + E
- Display x-ray mode — Shift + Command + G
- Undo — Command + Z
- Reset style — Option + Click
- Wrap in div block — Command + Option + G
- Wrap in link block — Command + Option + A
- Set all margins or padding — Shift + Drag
Are you in need of speed but don’t want to learn all of these shortcuts? We know them 👋Talk with our team.
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Working with Gigantic was inspiring and impactful. Given the nature and timeline of this project, our company needed a collaborative and nimble partner—not just one who lists those qualities as bullet points in a capabilities presentation, but a partner who actually exhibits them day in and day out. Gigantic worked with our team to create and implement design decisions in real-time and, like any true partner, asked great questions and challenged us which has only benefited our company as a whole.
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Working with Gigantic was inspiring and impactful. Given the nature and timeline of this project, our company needed a collaborative and nimble partner—not just one who lists those qualities as bullet points in a capabilities presentation, but a partner who actually exhibits them day in and day out. Gigantic worked with our team to create and implement design decisions in real-time and, like any true partner, asked great questions and challenged us which has only benefited our company as a whole.